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We will offer you painting workshops in Cascais, a small village near Portugal’s capital Lisbon, and near Sintra.

Our goal is to provide painting courses during the holidays that offer a unique experience of some of the most beautiful beaches, golf courses, gardens and villages of Europe, which can be found in Cascais and the surrounding area. 

Painting Workshop 5 Nov. 2015 - Painting Tutor - Anabela Faia


Painting Workshop 5 Nov. 2015 - Painting Tutor - Anabela Faia

Margarida Ornelas

Anabela Faia's Sea Painting (detail)

A Painting workshop for all levels was organized by Paint in Portugal. The theme was the sea: painting sea and waves. Most of the participants were beginners who had never painted before. They produced lovely paintings using brush, painting knifes and fingers! Everybody was very proud with the finished work!
The participants “immerse” in the art of the canvas, oils, brushes, painting knifes and all feel happy with their results.
An unforgettable experience in a nice and relaxed environment where the interaction within the participants and with the tutor was very good.
The tutor Anabela is a very special  artist with a impressive technic. She knows how to teach and share her knowledge in a very nice way and she loves to do it!

Anabela Faia's Sea Painting

(Paint in Portugal organizou um workshop de pintura para todos os níveis. O tema era mar: pintar o mar e as ondas.
A maioria dos participantes eram principiantes que nunca tinham usado um pincel e produziram quadros lindos, usando várias técnicas desde o pincel, espátula  por fim as mãos e os dedos! 
Todos sairam orgulhosos com a sua tela acabada que levaram para casa!
Os participantes entraram  nesta "imersão" na arte das telas, das tintas, dos óleos, dos pincéis e da espátula e sentiram-se felizes com o que produziram…
Uma experiência inesquecível, num ambiente descontraído e muito agradável, em que a interacção entre os participantes, e entre estes e a professora, foi privilegiado.
A professora Anabela é sem dúvida uma professora muito especial, artista com uma técnica impressionante, sabe ensinar e
partilhar o seu conhecimento de uma forma muito simpática e produtiva e gosta de o fazer.)