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(+351) 93 224 4582

We will offer you painting workshops in Cascais, a small village near Portugal’s capital Lisbon, and near Sintra.

Our goal is to provide painting courses during the holidays that offer a unique experience of some of the most beautiful beaches, golf courses, gardens and villages of Europe, which can be found in Cascais and the surrounding area. 

EXPOSIÇÃO  "EXPLOSÃO de COR"  -  4 Caminhos



Margarida Ornelas

“Explosão de cor” emerge do encontro de quatro pessoas, e caminhos que se cruzam, de vivências que se enriquecem mutuamente.

O que queremos partilhar? A cor com que pintamos a vida reflete o nosso olhar e sentir.

A partilha de experiências levou-nos a esta exposição em que as obras nos propõem diferentes abordagens, fruto da criatividade e percurso individual.


“Explosion of Color” emerges from the meeting of four people, and paths that cross, from experiences that enrich each other. What do we want to share? The color with which we paint life reflects our look and feel.

The sharing of experiences led us to this exhibition in which the works offer us different approaches, the result of creativity and individual path.

Margarida Ornelas, Isabel Alvarez, Fernanda Dias e Elsa Figueiredo